Another great story to start the day! David Beckham gave out $100000 and seven brand new iPhones to the family of Victor Gonzales, who was a former football player in Mexico but gave up his dream of playing football to work as a construction worker which is a much more paying job at that time. This is from the first episode of Ryan Seacrest's new reality TV show, "Knock, Knock Live" which premieres every Tuesday 9pm.
Beckham knocked at the Gonzales' family's door, surprised the family and making them teary-eyed for his presence. The first to see him was the mom, Claudia Gonzales, who was shocked completely and shouted in disbelief, "Oh my God!"
Beckham said from the episode and details from Sportsbible, "I'm here for a few reasons. One of the main reasons why I'm here is I was told about your family and I was very honoured to come down here and to be welcomed into your home and actually meet you one-on-one."
He also said after handing over the envelope that contains $100000 "I've heard how much you work, I've heard what an amazing family together you are, you're such a tight-knit family. So thanks to my friends at Sprint, I have this for you."
Beckham's response after meeting the family and giving out the life-changing surprises, "Giving the cheque for $100k, you can see it means so much to them. You can see it has literally changing their lives. I'm very fortunate in my life, and to be able to do this for this family that works so hard, it is an amazing feeling."
The idea of "Knock, Knock Live" which stars Ryan Seacrest, who is also one of the executive producers of the show, is to surprise a nominated person and their family by guest celebrities knocking at their door with gifts and fun surprises. Nominated persons can be you or anyone who have done something special or extraordinary things for others, or for their family. You can nominate or apply via their site knockknocklive. The reality show airs every Tuesday, 9pm on Fox.
Guessing who might be the next celebrity to come surprise another nominated family...