Donut News alert! If you're madly in love with Reese's peanut butter cups and donuts, this will make you excited!
The Tim Hortons Love Reese's to Pieces Donut is now available since last July 15. Jennifer Brown of Glencoe invented the donut flavor and was selected winner among the 77,000 donut flavor entries in the 2014 Tim Hortons Duelling Donuts contest.
So, what's the take on this donut? How is it going to fulfill our donut fancies?
The Time Hortons Love Reese to Pieces Donut was reviewed at insidetimmies: the donut bread is a chocolate flavored one, it has a chocolate fondant spread on the outside with sprinkled chopped peanuts and topped with three mini Reese Peanut Butter cups. On the inside was a creamy custard. That is some serious delicious donut.
"From the overwhelming positive response from Canadians who voted for the Love Reese to PiecesTM donut last year, we know there are a lot of guests who wanted to see the classic flavours of peanut butter and chocolate brought to life in a donut," said David Clanachan, President & COO of Tim Hortons Canada according to the article of newswire. He also said "Reese is an iconic brand, and for decades Canadians have been enjoying its delicious combination of chocolate and peanut butter. We're excited to finally bring together the great taste of REESE PEANUT BUTTER CUPS with our classic Tim Hortons donuts for a truly delectable treat that we know our guests will love."
The inventor of the donut, Jennifer Brown, actually made this donut "in the middle of midnight," she said "The idea for this donut came to me in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep. I just started experimenting with ingredients I love, and the Love Reese to Pieces donut was born!" according to newswire.
The Duelling Donut contest is now on its third leg. The winner of the said contest wins $10000. The Tim Hortons Love Reese to Pieces Donut is now available on selected Tim Hortons restaurants.