Do you ever find it agonizing to clean out your closet? Well, you try to scan through the clothes and each one just seems to accompany a memory you want to keep. Or, you are just not about ready to let go of a past version of yourself. But does it really have to be that difficult?
Making extra space in your closet doesn't necessarily involve a lot of hand-wringing and soul-searching. You might be surprised with how simple your perspective should be when it comes to eliminating things in your closet. Apartment therapy suggests that you let go of these things right now:
Things you never wear anymore that you are keeping for sentimental reasons.
When it comes to keeping things for sentimental reasons, you actually have two choices: 1. Take a picture of it to keep the memories and then pass it on. Especially for big items such as prom dresses; you get to keep the memories but you earn huge extra space in your closet. 2. Place it in a box with other memorabilia or think of some fun and creative ways to use it like using the fabric to make a quilt.
Things that will never, ever fit you.
We are not talking about clothes that you could fit into if you lost 10 pounds. This is meant for clothes that you have held onto from when you were still in a different body type. A great way to make peace with who you are now is by getting rid of old things; and you can embrace that change by starting with getting new clothes that the present you can use.
Clothing that is beautiful and great but that you never wear because it's too much trouble.
Do you have a shirt that only looks good with one particular pair of jeans and that has to be tucked and worn in a certain way so you can actually feel good in it? We all have those types of clothes that are pretty to look at but it's a different a story when it comes to actually wearing them. Whatever the reason why you're not wearing them, the bottom line is you are wasting closet space for things you don't intend to use.
Things that would be more expensive to repair than to replace.
You take your favorite pair of boots to the shoe repair only to find out that it would cost more than buying a new pair that you would like just as much. If that is the case, then it will make more sense if you just let them go.
Things you used to really love but no longer wear.
Clothes don't have feelings, but if they did, they sure would give you a sad face for letting them collect dust at the bottom of the drawer after they have been your most favorite things to wear. Let them go and let them find happiness in someone else's closet where they would actually feel useful.
Basically anything you don't wear.
Do you see a pattern? Because yes, anything you don't wear for whatever reasons doesn't deserve a spot in your already crowded closet space. The best thing you can do is pass them along to someone who will appreciate them, then you can rejoice in the lightness of your wardrobe and mind.