President Obama Finally Meets the World's Early Human Ancestor, Lucy

American president Barack Obama visited Kenya, his father's home land, as part of his trip to meet Ethiopia's prime minister, to talk and hopefully resolve the issue with Somalia- based terrorist group al- Shabaab and the threat that it imposes. Despite of the severity of the concerns laid out in the table, President Obama still took the time to meet Lucy, the 3.2- million- year old Australopithecus afarensis and also known as the "grandmother of humanity".

"Lucy is the only known fossil to have almost complete set of skeleton to be retrieved from Ethiopia. The fossil is normally kept inside the Ethiopia's National Museum but in the honor of President Barack, it has been brought out to the National Palace. Dr Zeresenay Alemseged, the senior curator of anthropology at the California Academy of Sciences, urged the president to touch one of Lucy's vertebra.

Barack Obama, obviously mesmerized, said "That's amazing. So Lucy was on the chain to homo sapiens." He even joked that everyone is connected and that Ethiopians, American and all of the people in the world are all connected, "even Donald Trump." Alemseged also said that they have evidence showing that Homo sapiens emerged in Ethiopia.

Lucy was discovered by Paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson in 1974. He played a Beatles cassette tape and the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" came one, hence the name of Lucy, the fossil.Alemseged also said that President Obama really enjoyed his trip as he came back with other member of the Congress to share the trip he had in Africa. Lucy's scientists clearly remember that the last time Lucy's box has been displayed uncovered was two years ago for the 50th anniversary celebration of the African Union, where bones of Lucy were transported using multiple cars so spectators won't know which car has the bones.

Later that trip, President Obama said that "Lucy is a reminder that the world's people are part of the same human family."

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