Zimbabwean conservationists identified Minnesota dentist Walter James Palmer as the killer of Cecil last July 1, one of the most loved and famous lions in Zimbabwe National Park according to The Guardian.
"I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt," Palmer said in an article from CBS News.
He also said from the article, "I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt."
"I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion."
Palmer paid a sum of £35,000 or $55,000 to have a hunting permit to shoot and kill the animal. Cecil was shot with a bow and arrow.
African Wildlife Expert Dex Kotze told them that it is impossible for Palmer not able to recognize Cecil as a national park animal.
Kotze said "I mean a black mane lion like that you can see from afar and even on a hunt. You are definitely going to identify that this -- hang on this is a collared lion and it is Cecil. Because all the conservationists and wildlife industry in that area would have been very familiar with that lion Cecil."
According to USA Today, a police spokeswoman Charity Charamba said that Palmer will face charges of poaching as the conservation groups alleged that Palmer with the help of hunter guides and bait lured Cecil out of the national park to an unprotected area.
When Palmer and his group found out that Cecil was wounded the next day, they then shot and killed the lion and beheaded it.
From article of The Telegraph, it says that they removed Cecil's collar which is against park rules.
The 13-year-old killed lion has a GPS collar, and was tracked by Oxford University Research Program said from the statement of Johnny Rodrigues, chairman of Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force.
According to Zimbabwe Professional Hunter and Guides Association, bow hunting is never allowed to national parks or controlled safari areas.
Palmer is known as a professional hunter and even killed and hunted large animals in different countries. After the news broke out of him being identified as the killer of Cecil, a lot of hate comments swarmed his dental office in Bloomington.