Peruvean government anthropologists are trying to make contact to the Mashco-Piro tribe, one of the 15 noted uncontacted tribes of Peru, for possible alleviation of the happened tension last May while the tribe had attacked nearby villages with bow and arrow.
The said attacked village by Mashco-Piro was Machiguenga and due to the attack, a young man was killed with an arrow, according to an article by History.
The Peruvean government is initiating now to make official contact with the tribe for future prevention of these incidences.
Also what made them decide was the unauthorized tour which coined as "human safaris" by some operators and which makes tourists believe of possible sightings of the tribe.
From the article of Telegraph, it was said there that missionaries and tourists were able to help out the tribe by giving them clothes and food.
Deputy Culture Minister Patricia Balbuena said that "The only ones who haven't been in contact with them are representatives of the state!"
FENAMAD, an indigenious organization, was wary of this decision by the government as the organization believes that it might be a reason to endanger the tribe due to threats due to impending diseases from outsiders.
Also another group, Survival International, firmly believes of the protection needed of the tribe. According to one of their articles, Oil Exploration is one of the most crucial danger to the tribes.
The Peruvean Government plans to communicate with the tribe via an interpreter who's knowledgable of the Yine language which they believe is similar to the Mashco-Piro's language.
The said plans are needed to be handed out well as the tribe is also known for violence and there were reports in the past of unpeaceful encounters with the tribe.
Aside from the arrow attack last May killing a young man from the Machiguenga community, there were reports in 2011 that a man was killed by the tribe and wounded a park ranger according to the article of Telegraph.
Mashco-Piro lives in the Madre de Dios Region in Manu National Park, Peru. The tribe speaks Piro language.