Hesitant Over A Design Decision? Do These 3 Things First

Wait! Are you confused between two design choices, or are you about to make a huge and drastic design decision? Don't risk jumping in when you are not sure how to proceed or a little paralyzed about where to go next.

Make a better choice and be happier in the end by doing these 3 things first according to Apartment Therapy:

Create a visual pros and cons list

You surely are familiar with a pros and cons list, and it is one of the things you can do to help you with your dilemma. By doing this, you get to put all the thoughts in your head organized on paper so you don't scramble ideas and confuse yourself. When you have filled in both sides of the table, do the big bubble, small bubble technique to reorganize your list. Place the most important ones in the big bubble and the least important ones in the small bubble - so simple yet helpful! This way, you will be able to tell the level of impact that they will have on your home and life.

Get at the heart of why you're making a design decision

When making decisions, it is easy to get lost and forget the reason why you need to make the decision in the first place. Are you sure you want to knock that wall down, or you are not so sure about it now? Are you going to push through with painting your walls a bold color or you are doing it because you feel like there are too much neutral in your place? It may not sound easy (and might feel unnecessary) to hunt down the motivation behind a design decision, but getting to the real why will help you make the best choice.

Promise to not look back or drown in what-ifs

Whichever choice you make, don't strain yourself by resisting to go forward and drown in what-ifs. Once you have made that design decision, muster all the confidence and trudge forward without any intention of looking back. It is normal to feel insecure especially if you took on a more challenging or bold design. Even if you really, really love the outcome, you might end up doubting yourself if you would let too much uncertainty in. Do not question your decision - be confident with your choice and have a look at your pros and cons list and the big bubble to remind yourself why you ended choosing that decision in the first place.

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