In a blog from Martha Moments, Martha Stewart purchased a home in the Hamptons in 1990 after her divorce to Andy Stewart. There are no articles regarding the exact location of the house.
Martha Stewart first saw Lily Pond Lane in East Hamptons by accident when she got lost, as cited in an article from Curbed.
She said, "I had first come to Lily Pond by mistake, right after I got married in 1961. I had gotten lost. We were staying in Westhampton at my husband's sister's house, and I went for a drive and ended up on this beautiful street with a pond, wonderful hedges, and a perennial garden."
She added, "And I said to myself, 'Wouldn't it be great to have a house on the street?' When I bought this, it didn't occur to me until later that it was the same place."
The article included that her house is the oldest house in the street having 25 tiny rooms and was built in 1878 by a minister who came to East Hampton in the summers.
In an article from Hamptons, Martha Stewart mentioned that she called four or five contractors to fix the house but she loved Ben Krupinski. She added, "Ben came in and said, "I used to polish the foors in this house for the lady who lived here. I loved this house."
In addition, the media mogul mentioned that she designed the garden by adding more trees and started collecting Japanese maple and her favorite thing in Hamptons are the nurseries.
The article from Hamptons added that her favorite thing in East Hamptons is walking with the dogs at 6 am because there are very few cars, and a few surfers with their CB radios and they go to beach until 8 am.
Pictures of the house can be seen in her own blog and in Martha Moments.
In the meantime, Martha Stewart has a net worth of $300 million, as reported from Celebrity Net Worth.