Micro Homes Are "In"

Tiny homes, that's what they are called. Impressively economical? True.

Not many are given the benefits of owning a place to call their own home, yet the tiny homes' trend is catching on a lot these days. In all other parts of the world, these micro-spaced dwellings have been popping out as people decide to just downsize their lives and living spaces.

Tulsaworld.com had an article about this new housing design and how it is revolutionizing the idea of practicality for most people. Apart from the trend of renting (some still feel it is affordable in one way or another), a company called Tulsa Custom Buildings sells plans for tiny homes at a range between $49000-$67000. The price alone can guarantee anyone the comforts of living in one's own space, though tiny as it is.

According to Elaine Walker, the American Tiny House Association is responsible for tracking building regulations..making neighborhoods friendlier towards the concept of tiny homes, as stated in the same article. She additionally said that tiny homes co-relate to rising housing costs, and interest over the new trend is growing nowadays.

On other parts of the world, tiny homes are also popular in terms of design practicality. Architonic.com recently featured an article showing the works of different home designers that showcases the relevance and aesthetics of owning a tiny home. Calling it micro-architecture, sustainability, space and a cost--efficient way of living is driving people to explore this housing trend as a new way of life. The Diogene House was an architectural design project developed by Renzo Piano and his students at the London's Architectural Association. The project was not only a work of art; it was also featured in the 2009 Abitare magazine and was highly regarded for its realistic concepts on its use of solar energy and self-sufficiency. Check out the pics of other minimalistic and beautiful tiny homes here.

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