'The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt' Patch 1.08 Release Update: Decapitation, Potions, New Moves Incorporated; PC Update to Come First?

"The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" patch 1.08 has been designed to resolve the patch 1.07 issues. Aside from bug-fixing, the new patch will also come with a number of other features which will target to improve gameplay experience.

After the release of the "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" patch 1.07, numerous gamers have experienced restrictions with regards to the use of their inventory items. This limits have been brought up by the increased demand of levels for a couple of items, Gamepur reported.

In patch 1.08 of "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt," players will now be allowed to use Wolven Hour, the potion for the studio to temporarily decrease the demand for levels in the inventory items. With Wolven Hour, gamers will be permitted to make use of their gear and items for 60 minutes. Afterwards, the settings will be reset to the original requirements of levels for each needed items.

"The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" patch 1.08 will also further enhance the actions and movements of Geralt of Rivia, the lead character, iDigital Times revealed. Geralt of Rivia will now have the capacity to run without being stuck because of a few system glitches. Also, the chopped heads of the decapitated enemies will no longer disappear.

Other outcomes of the patch 1.08 update include a brand new set of controls, which could lessen the lead protagonist's damages when she's jumping or falling from high places. With the patch, gamers can also now roll over before making a landing attempt. A notification will pop-up so as to instruct gamers about the proper execution of the rolling motion.

CD Projekt Red has not revealed the exact date of release for "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" patch 1.08 bugs-fix, but the update may come out on the game's PC edition first, before hitting all other platforms such as Xbox One and PS4.

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