Locust Plague: Russia Being Targeted By Russian Swarm

"...I will bring locusts into your country tomorrow. They will cover the face of the ground so that it cannot be seen. They will devour what little you have left after the hail, including every tree that is growing in your fields." - Exodus 10:4-5

The biblical excerpt above describes one of the ten plagues of Egypt as written on the Old Testament. But in the current times, the reality of this biblical plague is being felt by Russian people. For millions of locusts have been terrorizing the agricultural lands in Southern part of Russia. Report says that a vast area of fields of crops have been tarnished by the presence of the so-called pest. According to the report of CNN, it has been estimated that 800 hectares of farmland is being affected by the swarm of these flying insects. And such attack forced officials to declare a state of emergency in order to address the current situation.

Pyotr Stepanchenka, one of the many farmers being affected by the locusts' attacks, shared with CNN his sentiment as he walks through the remains of his corn field in the Stavropol region.

"Look," he says to the camera, "there is nothing left of the corn. The locusts ate it all, from the leaves to the cobs."

However, there are still no signs of any relief from the pest attack. For the pestilence is being feared to spread towards other parts of Russia. For the locusts are in sought of other food supplies, other farmland to devastate. TatianaDrishcheva of the Russia Agricultural Center said on CNN that;

"In Kalmikya, Astrakhan, Volgagrad, and Dagestan, there is already no food left for the locusts, so they have moved on to other sources of food."

In fear of the impending attack, other farmers and locals in face of a ruin are trying to hold back the swarm of locust, but all things seem to be at waste against the so-called Russian swarm.

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