The Top 5 Superhero Movie Costumes

Comic book super heroes are now dominating the big screen as it once captured the hearts of readers. A lot of superheroes were given life by amazing special effects, screen play, CGIs, world- renowned directors and their superb costumes. There are a lot of superheroes nowadays, but not all have achieved the right criteria to breathe life to the heroes and make it scientifically or realistically believable. This article will give you the top 5 best costumes of superheroes in the movies and what made them the best.

1. Iron Man

From its red hot and gold color, Iron Man's suit simply says awesome. Not only the believable concept, (give it at least 20 more years and people will soon be flying on their suits), the actor itself, Robert Downy, Jr. has given justice to the movie's protagonist, Tony Stark, by being in character even off- cam.

2. Batman (Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice)

Who will think that Batman's suit that can withstand Superman is not cool enough to be on the list? It's Batman's suit! Against Superman! What's wrong with you people?

3. Captain America's Stealth Suit (Winter Soldier)

Captain's costume simply screams American. Inspired by Steve Roger's Super Soldier comic book costume design, Captain America's costume in Winter Soldier is part superhero, part spy so you can be a hero that can sneak on your opponent's back.

4. Rorschach (Watchmen)

Rorscharch's costume in the movie is a direct cut- out from the comic itself. Most of Allan Moore's graphic novel characters have underwent visual adaptations for the film, but not him. He's already too awesome for that.

5. Spiderman (Spiderman 2)

What's not to love with Tobey Maguire in a body- con suit? Spiderman movie has captured the detail and the mobility that Spiderman needs from his suit. From the color, glass but tinted eyes, spandex material and not to forget Tobey Maguire's superb part of being our first on- screen friendly neighbor.

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