Ralph Lauren Net Worth: A Tour of the Designer's Colorado Ranch

Hidden in the depths of Colorado, Ralph Lauren, a famous designer best known for the Ralph Lauren Corporation and a multibillion dollar enterprise gave House and Garden a sneak peek of his South West Colorado Ranch located within Ouray Country which is dominated by mountain peaks in the San Juan mountain range.

The ranch is adorned by Aztec patterns with a Native American feel. It also includes 5 guesthouses (cabins), the main Lodge House, the cookhouse, and four tepees-which is mainly used for entertainment. It's not just a ranch but a land mass filled with valleys, lakes, streams, and pastures, 16,000 acres of prairies and a diverse flora and fauna; the ranch is named after himself and his wife Rickey, RRL Ranch.

Ralph then described the stream which he recently discovered while going around:

"Recently, Ricky and I found a stream we'd never seen before. It was absolutely quiet except for the sound of the water. I had this feeling that I was seeing for the first time in my life. There is a gentler pace in the countryside that slows you down. I have other houses, in New York and Jamaica, and I love them, but the ranch makes me aware of the natural world - it puts everything into perspective."

In addition to what he said, as per House and Garden, Ralph Lauren explained that he was looking for something far from the busy city life, he then stated:

"We were looking for a complete change of culture, and a way of life that was fulfilling. We found it"

The couple then told Home and Garden that they enjoy strolling around the estate, as they would either ride a jeep and explore new areas or just walk around and enjoy the serenity of the view.

A video tour from Oprah gives the audience an inside scoop on what the ranch feels and looks like.

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