'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Series Update: 'Walder Frey' is back!

Every Game of Thrones fan dread the day King Robb, Talisa and Lady Catelyn met their untimely death under Walder Frey's roof while celebrating Walder's daughter and Robb's uncle's wedding. The wedding was supposedly for Robb and to one of Walder's daughter but the young wolf fell in love and married Talisa instead which stained their alliance with the Frey. In order to mend this, both parties agreed to look past it and proceed with the wedding but Lord Frey was not able to forgive the King in the North resulting to conspiring with Tywin Lannister that led to the slaughter of House Stark together with their banner men. This specific scenario rang a buzz that it lasted for many weeks and it later became known as the Red Wedding.

Now, the fandom is waiting for the sixth season of the series which promises a lot of exciting new stories of the characters they come to love and hate. One of them is Lord Walder Frey himself. David Bradley, the actor who plays Walder Frey, has said that "He [Walder Frey] will be coming back, but I can't say when. I can't really say because things are in a delicate situation."

Despite of his character's sinister demeanor, Bradley shares that he couldn't help but love his character, he said "I'm afraid he makes me laugh because he's so appalling that there's a kind of dark humour in there somewhere." And to prove how Walder Frey's character can be deceiving, here's the last line he said before ordering the death of the Starks: "Your Grace, I feel I've been remiss in my duties. I've given you meat and wine and music, but I haven't shown you the hospitality you deserve. My King has married and I owe my new Queen a wedding gift.

"Game of Thrones' management has also announced that Max Von Sydow will play as Bran Stark's three- eyed raven while Ian McShane will join but with a mystery role.David Bradley also played as Argus Filch in the hit movie- series Harry Potter.

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