Donald Trump Explains His Comment About Fox News Anchor Megyn Kelly

Donald Trump clears his rebuke to Fox News anchor, Megyn Kelly while giving comments about his rivals for Republican presidential contest. Trump has been dominating the polls of the Republican field and he's already interviewed on four different political talk shows.

Trump clears that he meant not to say any vulgar when he commented about Mergyn Kelly's question on his disparagement of women he doesn't like as "fat pigs dogs, slobs and disgusting animals."

In an interview with CNN, Trump remarked that, "You could see there was blood coming out of her [Kelly] eyes, blood coming out of her wherever." On Sunday, Trump said that "only a deviant" would think that his remark was about menstruation.

CNN's Jake Tapper of "State of the Union" asked Trump, "You're saying that you did not mean to suggest that Megyn Kelly was having her period?" on which Trump replied with, "Of course I didn't."

Trump said again that Kelly has asked him unfairly during the debate which Fox News has sponsored and the said show has garnered an approximately 24 million viewers.

On an interview through a telephone, Trump gives his comments regarding his rival's, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, statement at a Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville. Bush has said, "I'm not sure we need half a billion dollars for women's health issues" which he later cleared that he's only referring to national budget that go to Planned Parenthood.

Trump said that Bush's statement might affect negatively to his relationship with the voters especially with women. He said on ABC's 'This Week', "Jeb Bush, on women's health issues, just destroyed his relationship with women. What he said about women and women's health issues was ridiculous." He also gave his side regarding women's health in an interview with CNN. He said that Bush's statements were "disgraceful" and that his concern for women's health was "the exact opposite. I cherish women. I want to help women. I'm going to do things for women that no other candidate will be able to do."

Hewlett-Packard Chief Executive Carly Fiorina said that Trump's statements have put this behavior into question. She said in CBS, "Women of all kinds are really sort of horrified by this. I think, you cannot have a president who is thin-skinned. If you think a [moderator's] question is tough, imagine the pressure of actually being in the Oval Office."

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