Living in Chelmsford: What Is It like To Be Called Home?

Have you asked yourself what is it like to live in Chelmsford? Chelmsford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts is a town rich in history with a population of more or less 33,000 people based on the 2010 census of the United States. The town has a total of 22.54 square miles.

Boston Globe interviews a local town meeting representative and resident Fran Mcdougall, to find out what is it like to live in Chelmsford? Fran has been in Chelmsford since 1971 and has five children, eight grandchildren and a great-grandchild. She is also currently in charge of the Chelmsford Farmers' Market. Mrs. McDougall says that it is the people of the town that is the primary reason why she decided to live and stay in Chelmsford all these years. Another factor that she considered is the location of their ranch-style home. It is right where they wanted it. The house stands at the edge of an old apple orchard, shops are at a walking distance, has the best open-space, the two highways according to her can bring them wherever they desired to go. Golf enthusiasts or those that just would like to get a feel of it can go to the 9-hole Country Club.

With 22.54 square miles this town offers a lot of open space to roam. One can go trekking or hiking. Escaping the town lights and sitting under the open sky on a clear night will be surely enjoyable. The Heart Pond, Merrimack River, Concord River and Freeman Lake are good options for any water activity.

City Stats shows the cost of living just so one would know what is it like to live in Chelmsford? The cost of food is at 109 which do not include restaurants while cost of utilities is at 141 that includes natural gas and electricity other than heating and cooling. Miscellaneous cost is rated at 110. Which leads to the overall cost of living is at 125.

One of the downsides of living in Chelmsford according to Boston Globe is the arguments over budgeting. Since the town is run by a representative Town Meeting the locals don't always meet eye to eye over the income and expenses. In spite of the aforementioned problem of the town they still manage to get an AA+ rating on the town's bond.

Knowing what it would be like to live in the town of Chelmsford, one has to either experience it firsthand or ask someone who has been there for years. Regardless of what a town has to offer it is always about the people around you that makes a place what it is.

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