Has "Clash of Clans" been breaking your bank? There are many ways to earn resources without actually having to spend actual money. Set aside your credit card and avoid having to shell out your precious money on gems and other things on the game. Here are some tips:
Hoarding resources may actually do you more harm than good. Having more will actually lead to a bigger amount of gold and elixir being stolen from you during a raid. As much as 20 percent of your resources can be stolen, and that goes the same when you do the raiding. Take it easy on spending your elixir and gold and don't let your resources reach its maximum level when you upgrade.
Speaking of upgrades, don't rush into getting to higher level right away. This goes most especially for your town hall. Make sure that all your troops and defenses are on the same level as your town hall so that it will be completely and efficiently secure.
Get more incredibly useful tips from The Bit Bag!
Using the unlimited gem hack is not new anymore since it's completely free and it doesn't get banned since it comes from a private proxy server. A user can use this hack as much as they want (although it's recommended to only use it twice a day) and they'll get all the gold, elixir, and gems that they desire. If you have accumulated a good number of gems organically, be patient and don't spend it all in one go.
According to Latin Post, a user should also be wary of using potions during attacks since they're expensive. It uses as much as 15,000 elixirs and that means actual money from you when you want to get more.
Here are more good sites for Clash of Clans hacks and tips. Use your new knowledge sparingly: Clash Resources, CoC Hack Generator, Clash of Clans Tips.