10 Items You Don't Need To Bring In Your New Home

One of the most challenging tasks when doing a house move is deciding which things stay and which things go. But allotting time to evaluate your possessions and getting rid of any dead weight is going to set a good and light tone for when you move into your new house.

Here are 10 items you should consider ditching during a house move according to Zillow:

Dine in

Food could take up a lot of space during a move; add to that that they could easily get lost in the moving shuffle and some of them require special packaging (like frozen meat) which could cause unnecessary hassle. A week or so before, check your pantry for anything that aren't shelf-stable or brand-new - consume those right away. If you have enough to throw a pantry dinner party for friends who are helping you move, then go ahead and do that.

Pass on low-quality furniture

Most low-quality furniture are made of less-than-sturdy material like particle board which makes them susceptible to ripping or chipping during a move. Consider giving those to friends who may need them or to your local donation center.

Clean closets

Have a run through your closet and check for old, stained, or clothes that no longer fit and head them straight into the donation bin. If you are transitioning from a cold climate to a place like Florida, then you won't need those snowsuits and boots. Earn a few extra cash by having a garage sale or easily donate them to a local thrift.

Tame the bathroom cabinet

Just keep your essentials and get rid of everything expired or unused. You won't be using those crusty nail polishes anymore right? How about those different brands of hair mousse that you have abandoned?

Make a pitcher of margaritas

What's a party without booze? Your pantry party could be a lot more fun if you would make use of those open bottles of alcohol in the cabinet instead of including them in the move - glass is a no-no for most moves.

Burn those candles

In case you're unaware, some moving companies discourage candles during a move - they could melt or get misshapen. If you have candles, you can offer them to friends or use them at your clean-out party.

Donate Excess kids' toys

Although they aren't as heavy as your gym equipment, kids' toys could also take a massive amount of space. Ask your little ones to choose their most favorite toys to keep and the rest that they have outgrown or haven't used could be donated or given to friends or family.

Toss old linens

Ideally, using fresh sheets and towels in your new home is the way to go. So sheets and towels that have seen better days should go to the donate box since they are one of the bulkiest and heaviest items to move.

Clear out garage clutter

Avoid moving potentially invasive weed or insects in your new area by taking along with you your old garden items. Outdoor furniture that are made of glass are at risk of getting shattered during the move. To avoid the hassle, you can include these pieces for your things for sale and use the cash to get a new set.

Hobby supplies

Consider freshening up your crochet or painting supply stash instead of including them in the move - they are often not worth the space. Also, it's a good excuse to acquire new supplies.

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