Your monthly energy costs actually depend on which state you are living in. Some states are more expensive than others. It was said that about seven percent of a consumer's annual income goes to paying energy costs.
However, lower energy prices don't always mean lower overall energy costs. The amount of consumption will always determine the amount of energy cost you will be paying monthly.
If the state suffers with too much warm temperature, even if the energy prices are low, households will still pay more energy costs. Some states have a more neutral temperature, keeping aircons and heaters idle most of the time, so the energy costs may be lower even if the energy prices are high.
Here is a list of states that have the highest energy costs. However, do keep in mind that the average consumption played a big role in determining the order.
Electricity: $145
Natural Gas: $42
Motor Fuel: $144
Home Heating Oil: 9 cents
Electricity: $130
Natural Gas: $37
Motor Fuel: $167
Home Heating Oil: 7 cents
North Dakota
Electricity: $131
Natural Gas: $26
Motor Fuel: $176
Home Heating Oil: $9
Rhode Island
Electricity: $98
Natural Gas: $54
Motor Fuel: $95
Home Heating Oil: $99.18
Electricity: $127
Natural Gas: $56
Motor Fuel: $105
Home Heating Oil: $61.22
Electricity: $108
Natural Gas: $63
Motor Fuel: $108
Home Heating Oil: $73.48
Electricity: $108
Natural Gas: $42
Motor Fuel: $203
Home Heating Oil: $2.14
Electricity: $142
Natural Gas: $39
Motor Fuel: $118
Home Heating Oil: $110.55
Studying the different expenses and costs of different states will help you figure out where to relocate and whether to grab relocated job opportunities or not. Sometimes you may be able to get a good paying opportunity in some states but you might end up spending more in your monthly utility bills.
As to the state with the lowest cost, it was reported that District of Columbia gets the slot. District of Columbia's Average monthly energy cost is only $223, with 79$ for electricity, $51 for gas, $84 for fuel, and $8.7 for heating oil costs.