Google Partners with Dexcom to Develop New Glucose- Monitoring Devices

Google gears up for another innovative project right after its change in management. Google is said to be partnering with Dexcom, a leading glucose-monitoring company, with the hope of providing small and affordable equipment for diabetes patients. Dexcom's vice president is also hoping that "when we get through the development we'll have something that is very, very low cost and very small."

According to, Google's change of management paved way for Life Sciences to get more attention from being born out of Google X "moonshot" research division. Life Sciences dedicates its department in early detection of disease and making a "Baseline Study" to identify how a normal body functions and to identify the cause if not.

Google's project Dexcom is the second project Google is developing for diabetes patients. Last January, Google worked with Novartis to develop a contact lens that can monitor a person's blood sugar levels continuously.

In a report in, the glucose- monitoring device will be in a size of a bandage making it more convenient and portable for its users. Also, Dexcom will have the distribution and sales rights of the devices and the deal is believed to be beneficial on both companies. Though Dexcom holds the rights of the distribution of the devices, the company is bound to give an upfront payment of $35 million and an additional $65 million installments as part of the funding of the project. Once the devices are ready, Google will receive revenue- based royalties with the sales of more than $750 million.

The head of Google's life sciences division is positive that the new partnership with Dexcom will bring innovation to world's health care system. He said, "We're committed to developing new technologies that will help move health care from reactive to proactive. This collaboration is another step towards expanding monitoring options and making it easier for people with diabetes to proactively manage their health."

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