'Final Fantasy XV' Update: Simultaneous World Wide Launch Before 2017?

"Final Fantasy" fans got another update on the upcoming "Final Fantasy XV" game.

"Final Fantasy" video gamers would have to be very patient and enduring people, or else they would not stand to wait for years just to play a new game. It has been tested and tried with a number of new game releases, but perhaps the longest wait of all is for the latest installment of the "Final Fantasy" franchise, "The Final Fantasy XV."

The upcoming release of the "Final Fantasy XV" game series was first announced to be in the works in 2006. Almost ten years have passed and still, fans have had no clue as to when they would get to play the game.

"Final Fantasy" Director Hajime Tabata recently declared that "Final Fantasy 15" will hopefully be released before the year 2017. He also announced that it's going to be a simultaneous worldwide release.

In an interview, Tabata was asked why the release was put on hold for so long and he said that he understood the fans' anxiety.

"Certainly, one thing I would like to say to them to reassure them, is that we've set down the release date, we know when it is, and we've got a complete road map lined up, right up to launch, and we're proceeding along that as planned. We can certainly say to people: it's not going to be 2017. It's going to be before that," Tabata shared with GameSpot.

Tabata also revealed in the announcement that this is the first time for them to put together a stand-alone "Final Fantasy" game and plan a worldwide simultaneous launch, so they had to re-shuffle their whole internal structure and make sure they are set up for the global launch.

"Final Fantasy XV" is expected to be the first in the "Final Fantasy" franchise to ever see a global simultaneous launch, which is quite a big deal provided that there are not going to be any more delays, CrossMap reported.

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