Ariel Winter of "Modern Family" Opens Up About Her Breast Reduction Surgery

Ariel Winter, the 17-year-old star of "Modern Family," underwent breast reduction surgery saying it was her personal decision.

The teen star shared her story to Glamour before and after she underwent the breast reduction surgery.

Winter decided to have a breast reduction surgery when she went to a swimsuit store and couldn't find any swimsuit that is the right fit for her.

"I really felt bad about myself. I didn't feel happy. I just kept saying, 'What am I going to wear? There's nothing for me to wear at the beach, at the pool.' I can't go to a party with my friends and wear the same thing as them. I have to be completely covered up otherwise I'll look a certain way that I'm not intending to look," the teenager answered when asked by Glamour how she came to the decision to have the breast reduction surgery.

Winter also shared her struggle when she attends awards shows. She can always be seen in form-fitting gowns in all her attendance in awards shows. The teen star said that she is upset about what she was known for in the online world, especially in the articles and message boards of some entertainment sites.

"Every article that has to do with me on a red carpet always had to do with 'Ariel Winter's Crazy Cleavage!' or 'Ariel Winter Shows Huge Boobs At An Event!' That's all people would recognize me by, (and) not, 'Oh, she does great work on Modern Family'," said the actress.

The decision to reduce her F to D was also made due to the back and neck pains that have been bothering her ever since her boobs started developing. She said that all that extra mass started to grow overnight and did not stop developing since then.

"It's something that I did to better my life and better my health and I think that that can benefit a lot of young girls. I have felt happier with myself than I ever have. I am living a dream that a lot of girls my age would love to be living, and I'm aware of that. I'm really grateful that I'm able to do that and have a voice that I'm able to speak to teenagers. I don't want to do anything to mess that up," says Winter.

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