‘Pretty Little Liars’ Mid Season Finale: Big Letdown Of Its Transphobic Plot, Realm Of Incest, Unconvincing Backstory; Endangered Possibility Of A Movie Adaptation?

"Pretty Little Liars Season 6" has the biggest twists as the mid season finale reveals the transphobic plot and the shadowy realm of incest. Aside from the twist of character development of Cece Drake, the showrunner also teases fans of the possibility of movie adaptation.

Mirror UK reports that fans were furious at the at the PPL mid season finale. Who would have thought of the twist and the undisclosed incest that were happening all along in the season.

It has been reported that many fans were not happy of the turn of events and the reveal. After Cece Drake was exposed, fans have opposed in fury. The PPL fanatics are also upset because the "ABC Family drama seemingly linked CeCe's being transgender with her psychopathic tendencies."

Imagine the agony of the girls who have been terrorized by Cece for more than six years. The showrunners have provided a backstory which is too flat, lame and unconvincing to buy for the avid fans who have religious watched each episodes from season 1 down to the last. One of the mysteries has been unraveled but instead of satisfying the fans, it ended in a big let down.

The season finale of "Pretty Little Liars" season 6 has generated negative criticism via twitter. Below are two examples from viewers who watched the last episode of PPL Season 6.

On a different note, Variety has earlier reported that Creator Marlene King has teased the fans a possible movie adaptation plus an additional season, despite hateful tweets.

In the report, it says that PPL is already ready for its 7th season as it has signed 2 season renewal last year. King told the fans during the Television Critics' Association press tour that she is open to do season 8 and even a movie.

"I think we'll let the fans tell us what they want. We're open to that," the PPL creator said.

But with the ending of PPL mid season, that possibility has been endangered because the fans have already spoken of their huge disappointment.

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