EA Sports to Release FIFA for iOS and Android for Free; Game to Feature Console-Like Graphics and Ultimate Team Mode Changes

Here's some exciting news for FIFA fans worldwide; EA Sports has decided to release the next-generation FIFA game on iOS and Android for free! Users can finally get a hold of the game on their phones on September 22, as announced by EA Mobile.

According to NDTV, "EA Sports: FIFA" will have console-like graphics, enhanced AI, and all the sounds one can hear during an actual game. Goal celebrations will also be available in the mobile version.

The game will also let gamers have the option to exchange players. The report indicates that "rather than sell or discard unwanted players, you can exchange them for random new ones. The better the player exchanged, the higher chance of getting a better rated one in return." Gamers can also mix and match, trade, hire, and fire players as they wish.

However, Pocket Gamer reports that a device must be ready for the game to be installed. The game requires 1.4GB worth of free space and is reportedly be better played with a tablet. It also offers in-app purchases and requires Internet connection.

The iOS and Adroid version of the game will be released on September 22, the same day as the release of "FIFA 16" in North America. The latest version of the game is said to be the best one yet with a more in-depth version of Career Mode, more tournaments to play, and a more realistic way of managing a team.

Changes have also been done on the Ultimate Team Mode on "FIFA 16." Gaming Bolt reports that the revamped gameplay mode will allow the play to really risk and shake it up.

Creative Director Adam Shaikh explained further, "It became obvious very quickly that this was a great distillation of the FUT experience. In an evening you could build a great team, take part in a challenging competition and get rewards at the end." Although they have shaken up FUT mode, the creators assure players that the structure will remain player-friendly.

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