Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt Divorce: Actress Admits Marriage Trouble

The A-List couple is currently making a buzz on the headlines as rumors of divorce is currently out, and Mrs. Smith [Angelina Jolie] is the one to blame. As per Celeb Dirty Laundry, the couple's marriage is currently on the rocks. It was reported that Jolie herself admitted that she's to blame for their bumpy marriage during her interview with the Director's Guild of America regarding her new film "By the Sea."

Angelina Jolie would be directing the movie herself as she and Brad would take on the leading roles as well. The movie is about an unhappy couple while she and Brad would star as the miserable husband and wife. Angelina then shared that they vented out their 'real life' angers and frustrations during argument scenes to make it more realistic, and as a result it bought out old annoyances and anger that they've left buried after years of being together.

Another issue that stirred up the couple's divorce rumors was when Angelina allegedly humiliated her husband [Brad Pitt] in front of the cast and crew during the shoot of 'World War Z' which led Brad to hitting the bottle off set, then causing him and Jolie to argue since she doesn't like it when he drinks. This was too much for Brad to take as Angelina herself couldn't stop her vices. She continues to smoke heavily despite of cancer risks. He's been asking Jolie to quit smoking for years and couldn't understand why she would have surgeries to avoid her genetic cancer but would still continue to smoke.

It was also reported that Angelina doesn't take turns in taking in projects for them to have equal time with the kids. Jolie however, has been taking projects leaving the kids with Brad who can no longer take on projects that he wanted. As per Kpopstarz reports have revealed that the couple's finances are shaking up as a result of their lavish lifestyle.

Despite admitting all the arguments, Jolie then stated that their relationship is better than ever which means that there won't be any divorce that's going to happen as she is seeking professional help in having their marriage restored.

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