Keeping a clean house is challenging, especially that no matter how much you try, bacteria are difficult to avoid, especially in most commonly used spaces of your abode.
By knowing the culprit areas of germs and dust in your house, you can establish a guideline to streamline your cleaning methods and keep your family away from risks of getting sick.
Here are the dirtiest spots and items in your home and suggestions on how you could deal with them and maintain a clean house according to About Home:
Sponges and rags
Sponges and rags are everyday household staples that you use more often than anything else - you use them for cleaning dishes, scrubbing countertops, and wiping up spills. They hang around near your sink but you don't even think much about them. But, these are items that are considered to be the worst breeding grounds of bacteria like E. Coli and salmonella.
Make sure to clean this tools on a daily or even every after use basis. You can place your sponges in the microwave and zap them for two minutes, or include them when you load the dishwasher. It is also recommended to change your sponges every two weeks.
Cutting boards
Cutting boards are crucial house items that need daily and thorough cleaning - it's food you're dealing with! The risk of cross-contamination can be highly minimized by using separate cutting boards for meats and vegetables.
Don't ignore the countertops since they also pick up bacteria from food preparation; make sure to wipe them off with antibacterial after every cooking or baking session.
We all know how bacteria love their moist, damp places, and this is why your mouth is full of them. You use your toothbrush at least twice a day and you store it near the sink (which is moist), making it vulnerable to bacterial growth. Make sure to get a new toothbrush every three months and every after you have recovered from a cold or flu. Store this hygiene tool in an airy area to prevent moisture and the spread of bacteria.
The kitchen sink (especially the drain)
Your kitchen sink drains all sorts of dirty, gunk, liquid, and nasty bits on a daily basis -it should be as clean as possible as it's the same spot where you wash your veggies and fruits.
The remote control
In between couches, picked up by the dog, dropped on the floor - your remote control has been everywhere. And remember when you held it right after your sneezed? Basically all the germs that you have picked up on your hands can be transferred to it, especially if you don't have the habit of washing your hands.
Keep this gadget clean by using alcohol wipes and always wash your hands. The same treatment goes for your cell phone and computer keyboard.
The bathtub
Bathtubs can look squeaky clean, but they can be harboring nasty things like mold, fungi, and staph bacteria. One way to minimize their growth is by keeping the surface dry so it is good practice to wipe it off every after use. You can also keep the windows open to aerate the room.