'Heidi Klum' Responded With Sexy Video to Donald Trump Diss

The presidential candidate and proud owner of Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants disses Heidi Klum on an interview with The New York Times last Sunday.

On the said interview with Maureen Dowd, Trump insisted not to make any comments against the appearances of his potical rivals namely Carly Fiorna and Hillary Clinton. On the said interview with nytimes, Trump was quoted saying;

"Oh, I would never talk about their looks."

However when it comes to judging and even rating the beauty and appearances of supermodels like Heidi Klum, Trump was noted saying

"Heidi Klum. Sadly, she's no longer a 10."

He later on added on the same interview that;

"Some of the great-looking men and women, they've never had a problem getting a date, they've never had a problem in life, now they get into a world which is a cruel place, and they don't fight as hard"

In response, Heid Klum released a 12 second clip, wherein the 42 year old mother of four is seen being photographed for a fashion shoot. Though it is a normal routine, what made it unique is that Klum is wearing a T-shirt that says "10" on it. And as highlighted on the video, a man wearing a paper Trump mask rips off the "10" revealing numbers "9.99" on the shirt. The shrug and smile reaction of Klum at the end of the scene is being interpreted by many as a sign that Heidi Klum does not care. And at the end of the video a hashtag #HeidiTrumps­Trump is displayed. The viral video was later on captioned;

"#TrumpHasSpoken #sadly #9.99 #NoLongerA10 #IHadAGoodRun #donaldtrump #HeidiTrumpsTrump #BeautyIsInTheEyeOfTheBeheld"

However, this was not the first time that Trump gave some rating over women. For as reported on dailymail, Trump gave an unsolicited comment including the 'very flat chested' Nicollette Sheridan and Carmen Electra whose implants 'look like two light bulbs comments.'

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