'Matt Damon' Tries to Survive in Mars in His New Movie "The Martian"

Matt Damon has a new offer for his fans with his new movie "The Martian." He plays the character of Mark Watney, an austronaut, botanist and a mechanical engineer who got left for dead by his fellow astronauts after a catastrophic storm.

According to dailymail.co.uk, "The Martian" first trailer shows how Mark [Matt Damon] should plant where nothing grows in order for him to survive. He also have to try to live in an unhabitable planet unitl help arrives which might take almost four years. However, Mark's supplies and food will only last for 31 days.

Being stranded on a planet 140 million miles away poses a great challenge for Watney. In the movie's trailer, Watney is seen burning hydrazine to produce water for his potatoes. Despite of his dire situation, Watney has a couple of witty one- liner since big part part of the movie will revolve around him being alone in a planet. Watney once said "In your face Neil Armstrong" when he decided that he'll do what he can to survive and when he was able to grow potatoes, he simply siad "I'm the greatest botanist on this planet."

Without Watney knowing, bureaucrats are torn whether he's worth saving or not for they're not sure if Watney's still alive. But when his fellow astronauts learned that he's still surviving, they decided to rescue him without the approval of NASA.

"The Martian" film is based on Andy Weir's novel on 2011 with the same name and directed by Ridley Scott. Director Scott is known for his sci- fi movies such as "Prometheus."

According to theimproper.com, the full cast consists of Kirsten Wiig, Jessica Chastain, Kate Mara, Michael Peña, Jeff Daniels, Donald Glover and Chiwetel Ejiofor. The movie will premire next month in Toronto Film Festival and will released in theaters in October 2 this year.

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