3 Viral Marketing Tips Proven to Work

Over the years, viral marketing is making its way into marketing platforms as most companies are taking this marketing strategy into consideration. In the age of social media and internet, in which this generation can't seem to live without, viral marketing can be very effective. This marketing stunt can however, be tricky at times as you would need to plan it's effectivity and consider numerous strategies in having it executed. Listed below are several tips from Adweek and Jeffbullas [a website that described viral marketing as "the rapid sharing of an idea, a portion of this idea contains a marketing message about buying a product or service."] on how to make an effective viral marketing ad.

Think Outside of Traditional Marketing

First and foremost, taking viral marketing into consideration can already be taken as thinking outside traditional marketing. Go into extremes in terms of TV Ads and billboards, don't just make the subject do its job, make it do something impossible. Going into the realm of impossibility open up an perception that the product can do something more than it's normal function.

Reward Customers with Your Product

Nothing can go wrong with giving out freebies, come up with an interactive advertisement. Have the consumer perform a simple task, a puzzle or a game that would require participation. Having a customer interact and win a product that's being endorsed can draw constant attention into the ad and the product itself.

Go with the Pop Culture

Don't be afraid to join the band wagon. Immerse your product with whatever's new in the market. Consider getting inspiration from TV series, hit movies, cartoon, singers and anything that's making a trend. It's the easiest way to catch attention most especially if it's a product for kids, immerse whatever your selling with their favorite characters and you'll surprisingly have a skyrocketed sales.

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