A Serial Killer Proposed to a Girl, The Girl Said ‘Yes in Reply

A mainstream wedding proposal would usually involve flower, cakes, and butterflies and to some extent sophisticated special effects. You really can't blame a lover for making an intricate preparation before he asks for his partner's hand in marriage. The acceptance would then mark the initiation of engagement. Such act is usually associated with ritual quality, which for most times may involve a presentation of engagement ring and the formal asking of the question, "Will you marry me?"

However, a man named, Alec Wells had a very strange yet unique way of exemplifying words into action. And putting the words, "Will you marry me," in a creepy yet romantic context. For on a YouTube video posted online, Wells patiently waited for his girlfriend on the same street where a key scene from 1978's Halloween was shot. Complete with signature coveralls and featureless latex mask of Michael Myers, the fictional character from the Halloween series of slasher films, Wells stalked and surprised her girlfriend, Katherine Canipe, with the coveted proposal.

Canipe, a connoisseur of chillers who co-hosts the podcast Boys & Ghouls, tearfully accepted the will you marry me question of his boyfriend who made all the efforts of wearing a costume of serial killer. On his post online, he explained that that was the "perfect proposal" for her, she remarked that;

"My fiancé knows how much I love Halloween, so when it came time to propose, he dressed up as Michael Myers and jumped out at me with a ring. Perfect proposal. Sooooooo, when it came time to take an engagement photo, I let him decide what we were going to do. GREAT SCOTT, it turned out well!"

The video which was taken last year gone viral on the internet, and people are also suggesting for a possible sequel of the mini clip of the unique yet creative wedding proposal.

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