"The Simpsons" has a loyal following since the animated show first aired on the small screen back in 1989. Now, after 26 seasons, "The Simpsons" fan base is still alive as ever with some even collecting the show's memorabilia. Two loyal fans, a Canadian couple, loved the show so much that they recreated the animated family's kitchen into their own home.
Marcia Andreychuk and Joel Hamilton took their love for "The Simpsons" to the extreme, when they remodeled their Calgary kitchen to match Marge Simpson's kitchen in the show, reports Canada's CBC News. The couple reportedly argued as to who came up with idea, although Hamilton is the bigger fan among the two. He shared how he would watch "every single episode" every winter since "The Simpsons" was released. Hamilton added, "The Simpsons for me is actually a baby blanket. If I'm not feeling very well, if I'm depressed, if I have a bad day - I come home and pop The Simpsons on and I'm 10-years-old [again] and everything is alright."
Andreychuk also told CBS that she had a framed picture of Marge's kitchen into her own home, even before the renovations started. The couple then went on to find materials that they could use to match the design of "The Simpsons" kitchen. From the corn cob patterned kitchen curtains, up to the yellow and gray tiled floors, the couple included those elements into their own home. The two even used contact paper to transform the kitchen worktops, cabinet doors and fridge to match the colors used in the show. Andreychuk and Hamilton also covered the washer/dryer and stove with the colored contact paper to give their kitchen a more realistic "Simpsons" look. The couple is reportedly saving up in order to buy appliances that would actually match those items featured on the cartoon series. Andreychuk even joked that they are planning to remodel their basement to match Moe's tavern in "The Simpsons."
Meanwhile, a real life "Simpsons" house actually existed around 17 years back, according to the Metro. The entire house was styled similar to Homer and Marge's home, and includes all the show's appliances and furniture. The house was built as part of a Fox and Pepsi competition which allowed a "Simpsons" fan the opportunity to live in an actual replica of the animated family's house.
The Metro report mentioned that the winner, a retired factory worker from Kentucky, opted to take the $75,000 dollar cash prize instead of the house. The "Simpsons" style home eventually sold in 2001 with all the shows design elements removed from the house.