10 Things Not To Say To a Real Estate Agent

Real Estate is no Joke. The key to a successful relationship is establishing a good relationship with your real estate agent from start to finish. This good relationship is maintained through honesty and mutual respect and most importantly, open communication. According to Realty Times, there are ten things that you should not say to your real estate agent.

1. "That price is ridiculous."

It is fair to assume that your real estate agent, especially the one who have good track record, did his or her homework. The offer price he or she recommends is based on the local market and your financial situation. Although most agents would expect that there would be a discussion on the pricing, insisting on a price just because it's what you want to pay doesn't go well.

2. "Zillow said my house is worth $40,000 more than what you're telling me."

It discussed by another source that "their home pricing estimates, known as "Zestimates," aim to inform buyers and sellers, they've been proven to be off by a whopping amount-somewhere between the 8% Zillow claims and upwards of 20%, 40%, even 61% depending on the house and the location, according to a recent L.A. Times report."

3. "I know what my home is worth."

Your estimates may be based on your or your neighbor's opinion or emotions. Realty times advises that it is best to let your real estate agents be the impartial professional.

4. "I have a perfect credit score."

Realty times says that overvaluing your credit, your down payment, or any other aspect of your buying ability, is pointless because everything is going to come out during the buying process anyway.

5. "I'm not going to bother getting pre-approved"

Saying this will make your agent feel that you are not a serious buyer. Lighter Side of Real Estate says, "An agent worth his or her salt won't agree to invest countless hours showing homes to someone who isn't approved for a loan."

6. "I have between $200,000 and $2,000,000 to spend with any number of bedrooms in any location."

Realty times points out that when" you have no idea where or what you want to buy, most agents won't embrace the idea of spending countless hours trying to narrow it down.

7. "I'm not doing any repairs"

Saying this before even seeing if there is really a problem can be frustrating for an agent. It is his or her job to find you the best prices but setting unreasonable expectations may make things more difficult for him or her.

8. "You can cut your commission. I mean, you make a ton of money."

Even if commissions are negotiable, assuming an agent will cut it in a sarcastic manner may offend your real estate agent.

9. "I'm not ready to buy...I just wanted to see a few homes."

Agents are very busy and they don't want to waste their time on someone who is not serious about buying.

10. "Can you give me some advice about my house? I don't want to hire an agent."

Realty times says that real estate agents often answer questions from people looking for free advice. Most will answer a question or two, but there is a limit.

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