'Stephen Curry' Soon to be Free Agent, Golden State Fans Relieved of 2015 NBA MVP’s Decision

Golden State Warriors' fans are relieved to hear that the 2015 NBA MVP, Stephen Curry, is not thinking of leaving the current Champion team as his contract is deemed to end after the 2016-2017 season.

Reports indicate that Curry, who is currently signed in with a $44 million four year contract extension since 2012 with Golden State, would be happy to extend his career under the same team and management. The NBA point guard has no plans of leaving his team; hence he wanted to continue his recent success and the momentum he had established into the future. He then told Sporting News' Jimmy Spencer about his comments on becoming a free agent after the 2016-2017 season, he stated that;

"As I am thinking right now, free agency isn't really appealing to me because I love where I'm at, love the organization I'm playing for, and the Bay Area is home for me and my family,"

"It helps being world champs and you want to continue to build the momentum that we've established and I hope to have a huge part of that in the long term," he added. "But I think the best approach for me is to try and stay as in the moment as possible." Curry added.

Foxsports also reported that after the 2016-2017 season, curry would be eligible for a max contract of 30 percent of a team's salary cap under the current collective bargaining agreement. And on the next season where Curry would supposedly be a free agent, 2017-2018, is another story. For the cap would estimatedly grow to a large amount reaching $108 million. And that would suggest that Curry's next contract would start at approximately $32.4 million, if he were to take a max deal as foxsport stated.

However, with regards to the numbers pulled out and the contract deals, caution should be exercised. For as foxsport reported, "either union or owners can opt out of the current CBA right after the 2016-17 season." And changes as such might affect the decision making of a player.

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