Actress Stacey Dash received some very insulting racist tweets after she publicly showed her support for Republican Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney.
Dash tweeted on Sunday: "Vote for Romney. The only choice for your future. @mittromney@teamromney #mittromney #VOTE"
The insults followed after she posted her tweet. According to the Daily News, one of the tweets that was particularly offensive to the actress was when she was called an "indoor slave," by one of her followers.
Other offensive tweets included, "She's an indoor slave, you know that," wrote a female, whose Twitter name is @SimplySher.
Another tweet that was directed to the 46-year-old actress was, "You ready to head back to the fields, jig---oo," another user named Brooke wrote.
Followed by a male user, Mr. Yeah, who called the "Clueless" actress out of her name.
"This hurts but youre a Romney lover and you slutting yourself to the white man only proves why no black man married you @REALStaceyDash."
Supporters of Dash lashed back at these racist comments being posted by users.
"Racist Dems going back to their KKK roots attacking black actress, @REALStaceyDash, for endorsing #Romney," tweeted Russ Smith, who describes himself as a retired U.S. Army soldier and a former teacher.
Another tweet that backed up the actress was "So disappointed to see people attacking @REALStaceyDash for voicing her opinion," Twitter user Sandra Fluke posted.
"Disagree politically, but #racist attacks are unacceptable."
Dash stood up for herself after she began receiving these racist posts by tweeting: "My humble opinion... EVERYONE is entitled to one."