New 'Blade' Movie Rumors: Marvel Developing A Female Blade Character?

Marvel has bought the rights of the "Blade" franchise and rumors are circulating that the studio is now planning on bringing the character back to the silver screen. Additionally, according to Screen Rush, Marvel Comics revealed last month that they are working on a comic book series which is based on Fallon Grey.

Wesley Snipes, who played the iconic character The Blade in the movies, revealed that he recently met with the studio and said that things are "still up in the air." According to iDigital Times, Snipes revealed in the recent Comic-Con event that he and Marvel have been talking about reprising his character for the next Blade film. However, he reportedly wants a supporting role this time. The rumored new "Blade" movie will instead focus on Fallon Grey, which is Blade's daughter.

It was also reported that a "Blade" comic book was recently delayed from its original release in October. Reports reveal that Marvel is ensuring that they get the character right because they are indeed planning to make a movie about the character.

"Blade" comic book writer Tim Seeley describes Fallon Grey as the opposite of Peter Parker. Seeley added that she is popular and well-liked and people expect so much from her. However, these expectations are starting to break her down and that is when she learns that she is the daughter of the famous The Blade.

Reports claim that the creation of the movie will depend on how the comic book will perform in the market. Some even speculate that the delay in the comic book release was because Marvel wanted to work on the movie first.

As of writing, Marvel has not yet confirmed any of the rumors nor revealed any news about the upcoming comic book release.

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