'Big Brother' 17 2015 Spoilers: Vanessa & Steve Become Each Other's Targets

"Big Brother" 17 recently featured Vanessa getting back at Steve for wanting to put her up for eviction. On Sunday, Austin became the new Head of Household and Steve and Vanessa did everything in their power to convince "Judas" to not put them up for eviction.

Throughout the past couple of weeks in the house, Austin and Vanessa have built an alliance and have strengthened it as well. Austin and Steve's alliance was just created recently. Ultimately, Austin decided to put Steve up against Johnny Mac and Vanessa is safe, at least for now.

On Monday, Vanessa won the Power of Veto and she was contemplating on whether or not to use it on either Steve or Johnny Mac. That's when the dentist decided to reveal some information about Steve, according to Enstarz.

Vanessa then confronted Steve to ask whether or not he planned to backdoor her or get back at her if he becomes the new Head of Household. Steve denied this, but Vanessa didn't believe him, according to Best of Big Brother.

Towards the end of the episode, Vanessa decided to not use the Power of Veto on either Steve or Johnny Mac. She even told Steve that she will vote to evict him this week.

In other news, Liz and Julia were pissed at Johnny Mac for trying to reveal their game to Vanessa. Later in the episode, Austin and the twins told Vanessa that they want to evict Johnny Mac. Meg and James wanted to evict Steve, but the decision will still depend on Vanessa's vote.

This week, another house guest will be sent to jury, so Steve and Johnny Mac should both come up with interesting statements to fight for their spot at the $500,000. There's a chance that Vanessa will create an alliance with Meg and James, if only to ensure that Steve will be the one sent out the door.

"Big Brother" 17 airs Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on CBS.

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