The Flash Season 2 News: Spoilers, New Villains, Release Date, New Characters; Jesse Quick is Coming

The Flash Season 2 is coming your way with new characters, new villains, spoilers, and more. Speedster Jesse Quick is joining The Flash Season 2. Destined for some speed powers of her own, Jesse Quick will be played by Violette Beane. Jesse Quick is a "brilliant but quirky college student who gets caught up in the battle between The Flash and the primary villain Zoom.''

According to a report by Den of Geek, the villain Demore Barnes will play Henry Hewitt, also known as Tokamak, an obscure Firestorm villain. You may ask, who is Zoom? He's an evil speedster. Zoom was created by Flash executive producer Geoff Johns and artist Scott Kollins back in 2001. Executive Producer Gabrielle Stanton said, "Linda Park will return as Iris West's [Candice Patton] friend and colleague at Central Picture News and her past relationship with Barry will put both Iris and The Flash in expected danger.''

Once known as "the Rated R superstar'' Edge in the WWE, Adam Copeland is playing Atom-Smasher on The Flash season premiere. Here's the official word on Atom-Smasher: "One of the most powerful enemies we encounter this season, Atom Smasher has come to Central City to kill The Flash. His incredible strength and ability to grow to enormous size makes him more than a match for Flash and the entire S.T.A.R. Labs team will have to come together to find a way to defeat him."

Movie Web reported that in the original comics, Jesse Quick is the daughter of Golden Age heroes Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle. Demore Barnes' Henry Hewitt is a cocky and charming scientist who was also affected by the S.T.A.R. Labs explosion that gave Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) his superpowers.

Report shows that Malese Jow will return to The Flash as Barry's former love interest Linda Park in multiple episodes. In the comics, Linda Park ends up marrying Wally West played by Keiynan Lonsdale, who will be introduced this season.

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