‘The Flash’ Season 2 Cast Updates, Premiere Date: Demore Barnes Casts as Villain Character Tokamak

CW's "The Flash" season 2 is gearing up its premiere set on Oct. 6, Comic Book reported another new villain to score thrills on the upcoming season. "The Unit" actor Demore Barnes will play the supervillain Tokamak that has the alias Henry Hewitt.

According to Comic Book, Barnes will be seen on one episode for the CW TV series.

Also from the article, CW describes his character as "a charming, but cocky scientist who was affected by the same Particle Accelerator explosion that created the Flash. When Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) recruits him to join the team at S.T.A.R. Labs, Hewitt jumps at the opportunity to fulfill his destiny as a powerful meta-human." Some of the other newcomer for Season 2 is Wally West playing Kid Flash and that Professor Zoom will be the season's villain.

Some characters for the upcoming second season of "The Flash" were mentioned before by Screen Rant, "Masters of Sex" Teddy Sears was casted for the role of Jay Garrick. "The Messengers" Shantel VanSanten will also participate as Detective Patty Spivot and a new reported character that will help Detective Spivot is Detective Joe West portrayed by Jesse L. Martin.

Barnes' character Tokamak first appeared in the comic book no. 15 "The Fury of the Firestorm." His alias Henry Hewitt is a self-accomplished scientist that runs as a CEO of his own company that plots on taking over the world. In the DC Comics, Tokamak made a clone for disguise and for him to continue running his company. His superpowers and abilities include energy rings that cons or destroys objects. His most profiled work is Firehawk.

Barnes is a Canadian actor from Toronto. He is known playing the role of Sergeant First Class Hector Williams in the American military drama series "The Unit."

"The Flash" Season 2 will premiere on Tues., Oct. 6 on The CW.

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