'Mob Wives' Films on Forest: Big Ang, Drita and Carla Go Shopping

As per Staten Island New York Information website, VH1's "Mob Wives" created a buzz as they openly shot one of the episodes for their 6th season. The "Mob Wives" cast startled the residents as they walked around town, followed by the production crew.

The trio Angela Riaola [Big Ang], Darita D' Avanzo, and Carla Facciolo enjoyed their day shopping from the boutiques around the area. The filming covered the opening of Janine Detore's [Ang's sister] store. The Bee Tween store is located on 646 Forest Avenue. Janine's daughters Jeannie and Sonnie opened the shop with their mother.

The women we're followed around by the cameras all throughout the evening; recording every gesture their making without spoiling the episode's details. The trio did tackle some issues regarding their real lives.

Ang did share a few details regarding her throat cancer which placed her in the hospital for quite some time. She went through two operations to remove the lump. The experience however, made her appreciate life.

As per Silive, it was only this year when Ang was diagnosed with a throat cancer. It first started when she complained that there's a throbbing pain on her throat. The doctors then tested the lump which positively revealed that it was cancerous.

Renee Graziano, one of the "Mob Wives" supporters then posted a photo which was captioned:

"The surgery was a success, she's rest comfortably and with the help of the wonderful hospital she's in. Should be ok in a couple of weeks. The whole family was there and a couple of close friends for support, And everyone was there yesterday when she went in, and stayed there as the doctors prepared her."

"Mob Wives" first premiered in April 17, 2011. The docu-soap follows a group of women whose family members are associated with the Mafia. The series reveals their struggles, their family life and their future.

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