'Batman: Arkham Knight' Update: New PC Mod Gives Bruce Wayne Flash Speed

A new PC mod for Bruce Wayne, a playable character in Rocksteady Studio's "Batman: Arkham Knight," has been released last week. The new PC mod reportedly allows Wayne to run faster than a speeding bullet.

Called the "Super-Speed Mod," the PC mod was actually featured in a video clip via Heitor Fraga on YouTube. The PC mod files are now available for download, a report from Design & Trend stated on Thursday.

"The basic function of this mod is to either speed up or slow down 'Batman: Arkham Knight's' movement by a series of multipliers. At its highest level, Bruce Wayne is able to run 9.5 times faster than is typical for the standard version of the game. When activated on a PC that's able to support it, it essentially looks like Batman has the abilities of the Flash. Gliding around Gotham City has never been this easy or looked so cool," the report said.

However, it was noted that Wayne's increased agility does not improve the character's combat movement. For instance, when Wayne is fighting with the opponents, the animations remain at the standard rate. Running away is much faster though, given the extra speed through the "Super-Speed" PC mod.

Aside from the faster gameplay, the game can also be slowed down by tweaking its negative time presets. It was said that Rocksteady Studios' recent add-ons make the video game easier to watch with great detail.

A YouTube description of the Super-Speed mod states that it was conceptualized from two superhero characters' speed ability, namely, The Flash and Quicksilver. The mod was programmed using several codes that were gathered and combined with the help of Tchi6. To use the mod, players will have to put the codes in the "BmInput" file which can be downloaded in Fraga's YouTube site.

"Those that like the slow motion kills of 'Fallout's/ V.A.T.S. mechanic will likely feel right at home in this regard. To add a bit of quirky fun to the mix, there's even an option to toggle off gravity. Especially when paired with slow motion, this change allows players to create beautiful juggle attacks against enemies. As with most PC mods, this one is somewhat dependent on the quality of the user's hardware. Those with more powerful rigs will experience less lag and greater stability than those with entry-level machines," Design & Trend noted.

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