Josh Duggar Wife Anna: Her Parents Are Even 'More Extreme' Than the Duggars, Says Source

Over the past few months Josh Duggar have been making the headlines, it was when he openly admitted that he's addicted to pornography by cheating on his wife through the Ashley Madison website. Though Josh grew up in an uptight Christian family, his wife's [Anna Keller] family was more extreme.

After Josh admitted that he's been cheating on his wife, Anna's family begged her to leave him. Josh's parents then made an announcement that their son is going to rehab, leaving his wife and kids as per the Perez Hilton website.

A source close to Anna then told People exclusively on what's Anna really like.

"Her parents [the Kellers] are even a little more extreme,"
"Anna and her siblings were always taught that if you follow these 10 steps or whatever, God would bless you."

The source then explained that Anna was not allowed to talk about John when they first met in home school.

"That's not something that's shared amongst siblings," says the source. "They always got 15-minute, one-on-one sessions with their mom every week. That was the time to share their feelings, but other than that they had to keep their feelings to themselves."

Anna was particularly close to her youngest sister Susanna. "Growing up, they were attached at the hip," says the source. "They did everything together." "She's really fun. She was always the bossy sister, but in a fun way. If she and her siblings were playing a game, she would make sure they were doing it exactly by the rules. They always had a good time together."

Another source, the one that's close to the Duggars dished out that Anna drastically changed after meeting the family: "Ever since she met the Duggars she has acted more like Michelle, She talks like her, real soft. She, like, whispers."

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