Hugh Jackman Proves He’s a Super Hero in Real Life [video]

Hugh Jackman is currently making the headlines as he surprised a little boy that's struggling with cystic fibrosis. Domenic is Wolverine's super fan, so Jackman set up a little surprise for him. During the Australian radio program " The Kyle and Jackie Show", Dominic was told that he would be able to talk the TV super hero, little did he know that his hero is actually hiding in another room.

Domenic's heart leap as Jackman emerged wearing his Wolverine costume, giving Domenic a tight hug. This meeting was set up by Make a Wish Foundation.

Jackman's heroic move was then reported by Yahoo! News.

"Hey Hugh, we've got Domenic here, who is one of your biggest fans," Jackie told Jackman on the phone. "He's a young boy who thinks 'Wolverine' is just awesome, and that you're great."

"What's your favorite 'Wolverine' action pose?" Domenic asked Jackman over the phone.

"My favorite action pose? Well, he's got a lot of cool poses," Jackman replied. "Hang on one sec, mate, 'cause I'm going to find a really cool way to show you."

Make a Wish Foundation is an organization that changes lives. It is a non-profit organization with one purpose: "Fulfilling wish experiences for children with life-threatening medical conditions." The organization is already available in 45 countries around the world through 38 affiliates.

As of this date, John Cena, a WWE wrestler, hold the title of most wishes granted by a single individual. Cena already made more than 500 wishes come true. Next is the Canadian pop star Justin Bieber which is then followed by Chi Omega.

Make a Wish Foundation has been exposed on numerous TV series and movies, granting wishes and making the child [below 18] feel what it's like to have their wishes come true. One of the famous movie that featured the organization was John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars."

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