'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Vanessa To Make A Big Game Move In Backdooring The 'Austwins?'

"Big Brother 17" will feature the possible eviction of either James or Meg on Thursday night. Ahead of their game's conclusion, Vanessa was crowned as the new Head of Household at a very crucial time.

During the past couple of weeks, Vanessa found out that Austin and the twins, Liz and Julia, had plans of backdooring her. After learning this, she realized that the only way she could stay in the Big Brother house is if she aligns her game with the other house guests.

On Sunday night, Vanessa didn't make any huge game moves. Instead, she basically consulted with the "Austwins" on what she thinks will be best for all of their games, according to CBS Local.

On the other hand, she also consulted with Steve and Johnny Mac who she believes will help secure her spot come finale night. Therefore, the two obvious choices that were left for Vanessa are James and Meg, and she put both of them up for eviction, according to Design & Trend.

However, if Vanessa is smart enough, she might consider eliminating the bigger threats in the game, and these are Austin, Liz and Julia.

As of late, James and Meg need to compete in the Power of Veto (POV) competition. If one of them wins, obviously they will use the POV to save themselves. If either Johnny Mac or Steve is drawn and wins the POV, Vanessa could instruct them to use the POV on either James or Meg.

If this happens, Vanessa could put Austin up because he is obviously the bigger threat among the three alliance members. In doing so, when Austin leaves the house, the twins could either align themselves with Vanessa or target her.

However, considering the entire season, Liz and Julia are not really lucky when it comes to winning the head of household (HOH). Liz has won it, but Julia hasn't, so there's a chance Vanessa could bring down the entire house come Wednesday night.

"Big Brother 17" airs on Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on CBS.

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