Seven Mountain Resorts In Colorado Overall Sales Amounted To $6.22 Billion; Pitkin County Being The Top Earner

Seven Mountain Resorts In Colorado's overall sales amounted to $6.22 billion. These mountain resorts are Eagle, Garfield, Grand, Pitkin, Routt, Summit,and San Miguel counties; Pitkin County being the top earner.

Post Independent News says that Aspen and Pitkin County have topped Vail and Eagle county in terms of dollar volume.

It has been reported that the in the 8 of the last 9 years (dating to prerecession days), the annual sales of Eagles County has topped Pitkin County in terms of dollar volume. But then in a recent report, the Eagle County is only a runner up while "Pitkin County's dollar volume was highest among seven counties." This data has been released by Land Title Guarantee Co., revealing the $939.91 million first half sales of Pitkin County while Eagle County with $875.48 million.

The figures shows that "Pitkin County was up 41.81 percent over the first half of 2014, the report said. Eagle County's dollar volume was up only 4.77 percent over first-half 2014."

In the previous report, Aspen Times has mentioned that the real estate market in the Aspe-area market has started the year stronger in comparison to the Vail-area market. But in the June, data shows that Vail has rather enjoyed a humongous total sales of $225.92 million whereas the Aspen only gained a total sales of $103.09 million.

In addition, the transactions made in Eagle county has reflected a dwarf amount compared to those number of business deals in Pitkin County. Figures also show that there are 875 deals that went down in the first half of 2015 for Eagle County whereas Pitkin only has 385.

Summit Daily says the overall sales of the 7 mountain resorts of Colorado has amounted to $6.22 billion. It also means the dollar volume has increased to 23.6%, with Pitkin county on the lead.

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