Texas Jail Death Ruled As Homicide, According to Dallas County Medical Examiner’s Office

The death of a man, who was in the viral video struggling against Dallas police in a jail lobby, has finally been determined. It was August 1 of this year that Joseph Hutcheson, a 48-year-old handyman, reportedly tried to resist the cops assigned in the jail lobby. And according to reports and witnesses, Hutcheson was heard yelling for help, was seen handcuffed and later on died after losing consciousness.

According to medical examiner's office, Hutcheson's cause and manner of death was homicide with "combined effects of cocaine and methamphetamine, compounded by hypertensive cardiovascular disease and physiologic stress associated with struggle and restraint."

The attorney of Hutcheson's wife and mother, Scott Palmer, also believed that the police are "are responsible on some level for causing Mr. Hutcheson's death." On a statement via theguardian the lawyer stated that;

"It is apparent from the ruling that Mr. Hutcheson died at the hands of another. We believe without the assault by the Sheriff's deputies, Mr. Hutcheson would still be alive today."

Such statement was then supported by the result of the examination done by an independent pathologist hired by the Hutcheson family to review the case, and the doctor found organs in Hutcheson's throat were missing. Such emotionally affected Hutcheson family, a brother of John was even quoted saying that, "Nothing my brother did deserved to get his throat crushed."

With this result at hand, Rev Jeff Hood who has been working with Hutcheson's family demands transparency on the case. Hood as the executive director of Hope for Peace and Justice, also called on the sheriff to fire the deputy who put his knee on Hutcheson's neck.

As response from the sheriff's office, spokesman, Raul Reyna, said via thescoopblog stated that "the investigation is continuing. Deputies involved in the incident were reassigned to other duties several weeks ago. He said they will stay in those roles until investigation is finished."

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