The More You Know: Real Estate Facts and Trivia

The real estate industry is one of the most serious businesses around. One transaction can change the lives of your clients. Here are some fun facts and trivia that may lighten up your brain activity while browsing for new homes.

McDonalds is a Real Estate Company. Many think that McDonald is a burger flipping fast food chain but in reality, they are pretty much a real estate company. McDonald's makes money on real estate via two methods. First, it buys and sells properties, as one might suspect. Secondly, on top of the franchise fee which McDonald's charges its franchisees to use the "McDonald's" name, it charges rent to the franchisees to use the corporately-owned properties.-Seeking Alpha

Vacant Houses in the United States Outnumber Homeless People 5:1. According to Amnesty International in 2011, there are more than five times as many vacant homes in the U.S. as there are homeless people. - Truth Dig

Alaska is the Northernmost, Easternmost, and Westernmost State of the United States. Alaska is no doubt the most northern state.But as the same time most eastern and western. How is this possible? Alaska's Aleutian Islands stretched to edge of the western hemisphere at the 180 degree line of longtitude, at the same time, Aleutian Islands extends passed through the eastern hemisphere and up to the edge of Russian Federation. -World Atlas

In 2010, Apple Bought a $6,000 farm for $1.7 million. A farm in North Carolina owned by the Fullbright was bought by Apple to be used for their iTunes Cloud data center. The farm was bought by the Fullbright for $6,000 34 years ago. The Fullbright family first resisted to sell their home but Apple gave them a blank check and said to name their price. The family decided to sell their farm for $1.7 million, which is pretty high for one acre of land. -Gizmodo

Billionaire, Warren Buffet, still lives in a modest Omaha home that he bought in 1958 for $31,500. The third in rank in the world's billionaire according to Forbes are still living in his modest home in Omaha. As of date, Mr. Buffet's networth is $62 billion. - Huffington Post

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