Jimmy Kimmel Gets Tons of Hate After Making Fun of Gamers and YouTube's Video Game Watching Service

Jimmy Kimmel says he has "touched a nerve" after seeing that the two-minute skit that made fun of YouTube's video game streaming service posted last week earned the most number of thumbs down than any other video in his channel, Forbes reports.

In the clip, Kimmel says that he doesn't get the idea of watching someone play video games and, at the end, added some sort of a fictional YouTube Services that lets you watch someone watching someone play a video game and eventually "God" was watching saying that he had created a bunch of "idiots."

The video, in a way, was hilarious but it angered the gamer community. In response to the overwhelming thumbs down and negative comments that attacked Kimmel directly over the weekend, this week Kimmel posted a hilarious monologue dedicated to sharing some of the remarkable comments he received.

According to Polygon, this video, which is twice in length than the first one, shows that the remarks provided by the angry gamers have provided Kimmel with a punch line that is better than anything he could have written himself.

Moreover, Kimmel had shared that in the comments some had wished he died while others wished he'd get brain cancer or AIDS among those that were even harsher and more insulting in nature. He also mentioned that some even attacked his wife and daughter.

The four-minute monologue seemed to be funnier than the first one that stirred all the hate. Nevertheless, both videos demonstrate how majority of the gamer community can't handle jokes or criticism and have forgotten that the late night talk show makes fun of just about anything.

On the lighter side, at the end of the monologue Jimmy Kimmel says that he is open-minded and that if he is invited to watch someone play video games he just might like it.

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