Biggest House In Albuquerque For Sale!

The biggest house in Albuquerque, located in Bernalillo County is for sale! It is a 14,000 square foot mansion near Carlisle NE. The master bedroom has a plush pink carpet lined up and the master bath is so big that Vicki Criel even said that it is "literally the biggest bathroom" he has ever seen in his life. Criel is the President of Criel and Associates.

The property has nine bedrooms and nine baths. It is on the market for the very first time after it's only owner died a year ago. Betty Cook has been the only owner of the said property.

Criel says, "Nobody has been in it, so people go by and it's the mystique of what could that possibly look like inside."

Criel also shared that the owner designed the entire house herself during the seventies. The first thing that was constructed in the popular home was the pool, and then everything else was built around it. "She sat outside, had her own porta potty and the contractors had their own porta potty. She was there every day with the construction."

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The house has a backyard with two waterfalls. It also has a maid's room and two sun rooms. And to make the property even more luxurious, an indoor pool was also built.

Criel also shared that the owner never shared the high end home with anybody. Criel said that the owner was violently allergic to perfumes so she could never entertain.

Now that the property is already ready for selling, people can have the opportunity to finally see what's inside. Lauren Mora shares how much of a fan she is of the house. She says that she has been in love with the house ever since she was small.

Criel said that people's positive comments about the home could make Cook proud of the house that she built, as she really stayed hands on during the building of her home. She chose everything from day one.

The home's price is $1.4M and an open house will be held on the afternoon of September 12th, from 12 to 2.

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