A Look Back On The Google Logo Through The Years

Google has already made waves and shots over the past years with the company's ever changing outlook on Internet products as well as technology, that it has given us a newer version of its iconic logo today.

According to an article on vox.com, the older versions of the logo can be searched and viewed on the Internet Archive, including Google founder Sergey Brin's design. Brin had used GIMP, which is an open-source editing program, to developed his design. His and other earlier adaptations are on a page on the archive under the "stickers" label. Remember that one with the burning man in it? Or the Carl P logo? Interesting fact: Google was known previously as just "Backrub". The name was coined because of the company's algorithm which counted "backlinks". Otherwise, check out some of these designs by clicking here.

A better read can be viewed on googleblog.blogspot.com, wherein the web giant offers its audiences with a short video on the evolution of the company as well as its roots. The tiny blue "g" icon will now look like a 4-color, bigger "G" that matches the new, official mark of the company.

"This isn't the first time we've changed our look and it probably won't be the last, but we think today's update is a great reflection of all the ways Google works for you across Search, Maps, Gmail, Chrome and many others. We think we've taken the best of Google (simple, uncluttered, colorful, friendly), and recast it not just for the Google of today, but for the Google of the future.", according to a snippet on the same blogpost, also with Google's plans for the future and beyond. This update, together with the video release, can be seen here.

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