Post-Divorce Updates: What Everybody Ought to Know About Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert

It's been over a month since Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert have ended their four-year marriage and the two are said to have been exchanging amicable tweets on numerous occasions. Despite reports saying that both of them are handling the split well, cheating rumors surrounding them just keep getting nastier and it's getting harder to tell who the victim really is.

The media has been pushing Miranda Lambert against the wall with endless reports that she is the cheating party. There has been a report that her email and Facebook account was hacked by someone named Brenda and the self-confessed hacker, having said to have gone through thousands of her emails seem to suggest that her email reveal proof of cheating. Miranda was reported to have approached the FBI on this matter. So where is Brenda now? What did the emails reveal? Then there is this report that says Miranda has cheated with multiple men including Blake's BFF and another country singer Chris Young, who later on said that he was never romantically involved with Lambert. Nevertheless, the cheating rumors got so nasty that Shelton was reported to have hired a private investigator and discovers she was cheating with one of her employees.

And so it appears that Blake Shelton is the aggrieved party, having said to have caught Miranda red handed when he came to her shows and saw her hugging another man. It was said that what they were doing was so obvious they were forced to admit everything and this propelled Shelton to file for divorce. Then stories about them being friendly toward each other surfaces, making fans feel all is well for the time being but then Blake was reported to have thrown out all of Miranda's stuff. Furthermore, Blake has his own share of cheating rumors as well on which he has threatened to take legal actions, after all he has been claiming that he's been faithful to her during the marriage. Remember the time when He and Lambert started dating? He was married when they first met and not to mention the time Blake's alleged "other woman" Cady Grove came forward.

Lastly, has reported something that takes the spotlight off the cheating reports. It was said that Shelton got tired of Lambert getting drunk and hitting him. The bottom line, they have their own share of dirt, so which side are you on? Team Blake or Team Miranda?

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